I am a Product Manager with 9 years of work-ex, an MBA from SPJIMR

I am a problem solver. I love breaking complex problems I love building and scaling software products I love using data to solve user problems

🏗️Constantly Building…… “There is only one way to eat an elephant……..One bite at a time…”

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đźš My Journey

In my career so far, I have built 0-to-1 products. I have built and managed teams of size up to 20 for more than 3 years now.

Closely worked with CXOs, marketing, and sales to grow users as well as the revenue of the products.

Interest areas include analytics, fintech, AI/ML, Product/Growth, Gamification, and Behavioral Psychology

Complete PRD Solutions

Product Teardown and Solutioning Highlights

Becoming a Product Person

In my free time, I love solving good product problems. Here is some of the work.